To adore her

There are no heroes, only two lovers navigating their way through unchartered waters. Ever present, is this energetic undertow of a once unbreakable closeness. A closeness often tested to its ultimate limits, through the choppy and messy ocean that is new parenthood. 

We toy with softer ways to communicate all those needs that suddenly arise with the arrival of this tiny baby, for we know harsh words can cut deep into our tender minds. Words that return to the memory, in the stillness of another sleepless night. 

As caffeine floods my system, I remind myself to find all those little ways to adore her, because I’m certain that any cliche must be true. Enjoy it while it lasts, for time will go so fast. Whispers from passing strangers, almost as frequent as I change her.


The tired mind struggles to judge the distance between events. The concept of time itself, completely twisted and upturned. Sometimes the days just blur into the nights. These words sit jumbled on the page week after week, before I offer this sneak peek. 

But through all of the chaos, there’s these delicate moments that we steal. Just when we think she will never go to sleep, she starts to drift off in his strong arms. I sit quietly by his side sipping each second in. Admiring him. Admiring her. When her little eyelids finally close, we exchange this glance that in itself speaks of that knowing. The knowing that all of these battles are worth fighting for. 

3 thoughts on “To adore her

  1. Beautiful words. Hey, by the way, since you’re my daughter’s age, some advice 🙂
    I know youre in the salt a lot…but get some of these mineral drops and have some daily to re mineralise your system…cos with women, you give out so much to the bub that it depletes your mineral reserves, and then your bones will suffer later in life. We bought these ones–they are great, and no bitter taste like some others.

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    1. Awesome thanks , yes we certainly do give out a lot and need to ensure we are restocking, even breastfeeding we lose up to 300mg of calcium a day and that will be taken from our bones if not freely available, we really do give everything to bubs to ensure their survival !

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